Welcome to Nourish!
....A space for pregnant and new parents in the Coffs Harbour region and beyond to learn, be empowered and feel supported. A place of nourishment and support. Whether you are pregnant or have a baby earthside, I hope that in spending some time here you are inspired to believe that families can be held, supported and nourished as they make this transition (with each new baby). And that means YOU! You don't have to feel overwhelmed and alone, like so many new parents do.​
I am a midwife and postnatal educator and support provider based on the Coffs Coast NSW. I offer my services in Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and along the coast from Woolgoolga down to Scotts Head. I look forward to meeting you, and working together if it feels right for both of us!
Where would you like to start? You can sign up to our mailing list to receive your FREE Postpartum Guide or in Pregnancy to Better Breastfeeding! Take a tour and find out including upcoming class dates and Support Packages! Or you can check out our or . And don't forget to share with any pregnant friends you feel may benefit!
With love,
Xx Alyssa
Community and Connection make life worthwhile, in all it's stages. But it is particularly vital in this transition time of having a baby!

The African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" may not be many people's reality in modern Western culture, but I feel that, one person at a time, we can change this. We need community around us, and we need not to have to do it alone.
Birth and postpartum are always a massive transition. My dream is that there is space for this rite of passage to be truly felt and experienced; an openness and allowing by the parent, plus the community support for this to be able to occur. A shift of culture away from the current aloneness and overwhelm, towards to support, nourishment and slowness.
My dream is that every new parent in this world is supported to enter a deliciously slow baby bubble for the first few weeks in which to rest, recover and get to know, love and learn to feed their baby… and get to know their new self as they physically, mentally and emotionally become this new version of themselves... and that is all! (No washing clothes or dishes, no cooking for the family, no entertaining unwanted visitors. Nothing that isn't wanted).
In my dream, every new family is surrounded by community. A web of people who provide practical help with house-hold needs, prepare nourishing food, offer emotional support and companionship as desired, and exude an overall sense of holding, loving and caring. My dream is for new parents to be honoured in their need for support at the times it is wanted and appropriate, and given space (with love) the rest of the time.
My wish is for every parent to allow themselves to be moved by this process. Moved by their love, their transformation and their grief of all that is left behind of their old self. To feel and let go of everything in the way of being loved and nurtured as they learns their new self, new family and new baby.
My dream is for parents to re-emerge into the world when they are ready, and be celebrated: honoured and rejoiced in; a marvel! For they have undergone something potent and powerful, and they will never be the same.
My dream is that all pregnant parents know what to expect postpartum. Prior to their own birthing, they have been part of the community supporting other new parents, helping usher others into the potency of their pregnancy and parenthood during mother blessings or supporting others as they make this transition. They have witnessed the journeys of others who have gone before them. They tangibly feel and respect the sacredness of this rite of passage and are open to surrendering. They are open to being supported. They are open to, and aware of, the realities of having a new baby... Of the transformation that will occur; the shedding. And they welcome it.
They are not surprised and horrified when they find themselves exposed for the first time to what it’s like to have a new baby... Where some feel alone, inexperienced, ill equipped, uneducated, unsupported and stuck in their home, my dream is for these new parents to have a different experience, surrounded and supported by community. Yes it's a path of newness, wavering confidence and learning, but ultimately there is a trust in themselves; a knowing that they can do this. They are taking one moment at a time, and they are perfect.
My dream is that parents have both personal community – friends, family, maybe neighbours – and a wider community. Other people having babies at similar times, perhaps they’ve met in groups – with whom they can share and cry and laugh. Companions. My vision is that we all reclaim community, and lean into it. Lean into being loved, supported and held. Lean into receiving.
My dream, vision and hope is that pregnant people are prepared practically, emotionally and spiritually for what is to come. That they trust themselves and feel ready. And I hope Nourish goes a ways to creating this reality.